V. J. P. Syverson

Science and Engineering Building 1, Ste 370, 5200 N Lake Rd, Merced, CA| (559) 288-2872 | E-mail: vsyverson@gmail.com


Ph.D. paleontologist with expertise in writing/illustrating/editing technical reports, manuals, and scientific papers, statistics/data science, collections management, teaching and curriculum development, website and database development. Familiar with geology of California, Great Basin, and Upper Midwest. Comfortable working remotely; available to relocate within California in 2020.


Experience in paleontological resource management in California, fieldwork, and management. Strong background in statistics and geoscience; experience in technical editing and illustration, including for paleo/archeo consulting; peer-reviewed publication record, public speaking in conferences and classrooms; proficient R programmer. Strong quantitative, visual, and communication skills. Comfortable with team projects and remote work.

Technical: R (many libraries), HTML5/CSS/JS (jQuery, d3) with JSON APIs, SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL), Python (scipy, numpy); Github, Adobe CS, Unix, Microsoft Office/LibreOffice


University of Michigan ā€“ Ann Arbor, Michigan 2009-2014

Ph.D., Geology (Paleontology)

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 2003-2008

B.S., Geology.


Professional publications (full academic CV available upon request)

Paleontological consulting,, fieldwork, and technical communication

Teaching, management, and museum collections management

Programming and statistics

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2016-present

Doctoral student and independent researcher, University of Michigan, 2008-2016


Github: https://github.com/vjpsyverson

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/V_Syverson/

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xZZM1EMAAAAJ&hl=en

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerie-syverson-4a46093/